The Virus of Capitalism and Why Solidarity Will Not Be Enough

Ibalú Dwan


This paper examines the possibilities and limitations of solidarity within anti-authoritarian movements in the global North, based on observations in Germany and the United States, using the current Covid-19 pandemic as an example. Though the anti-authoritarian networks in these geographies provide important lines of flight, as well as concrete forms of support to a number of people, they remain unable to challenge the underlying structures of neoliberalism in important ways, as they are still entangled with a social imaginary that upholds a hegemonic masculine individual and pervasive forms of value-exchange. Hence, though solidarity plays an important role in present struggles towards social justice, it must be complemented with the cultivation of structures of reciprocity that can begin to undermine the persistent notions of the individual, self-interest, and value as an endless play of equivalences. Towards this aim, it offers an initial theoretical framework for reciprocity, as an epistemic reorientation, based on

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